Akiko Kojima was the first woman from both Japan and Asia to receive the Miss Universe title. She was crowned as a university student who also modeled.
Akiko Kojima
#239- Asset ID1099577779624
- Collection
- Ownerqjdqw.wam
- Schema nameseries1
- Template ID330033
- Is burnable
- Is transferable
- Mint239 of 314
- Max. supply612
- Burned4
- Circulating supply310
- Backed tokensNone
- AttributeValue
- name Akiko Kojima
- cardid 20
- rarity Common
- img Qma4kdDthmMwtPMT5HHo3vEAx3AoStMfEzNNUVRWqLzrqt/Common/common%20corrected/Akiko%20Kojima%201959%20C-01.png
- backimg Qma4kdDthmMwtPMT5HHo3vEAx3AoStMfEzNNUVRWqLzrqt/back card/back card.jpg
- release_date 28 October, 2021
- year 1959
- country Japan
- redeemable 0
- facebook https://www.facebook.com/MissUniverse
- instagram https://www.instagram.com/missuniverse/
- twitter https://twitter.com/MissUniverse
- legal ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ®️,PMI NFT &©️ Miss Universe®️
- bio Akiko Kojima was the first woman from both Japan and Asia to receive the Miss Universe title. She was crowned as a university student who also modeled.
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