Bronze Dragon


Owner mlrue.wam

Lightning Breather - The small, slender Bronze Dragon is unique in several ways, including being the only wingless dragon. Despite this, they are able to fly short distances using magical energy. They move with incredible speed on land and can even burrow rapidly through the ground. Bronze Dragons are also the only ones that tend to live among humans most of the time. Generally having a profound sense of honor and duty, they often take on the role of protector of a particular castle or city, and they are given large halls or temples to live in.


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    75%(303 / 404) have this trait!

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  • name Bronze Dragon
  • Description Lightning Breather - The small, slender Bronze Dragon is unique in several ways, including being the only wingless dragon. Despite this, they are able to fly short distances using magical energy. They move with incredible speed on land and can even burrow rapidly through the ground. Bronze Dragons are also the only ones that tend to live among humans most of the time. Generally having a profound sense of honor and duty, they often take on the role of protector of a particular castle or city, and they are given large halls or temples to live in.
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  • video QmfUPFzHAX7MM592FEYn11MMsU9Tyz1tUBekkFdu6y3suA

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