

Owner jcpqm.wam

One of the three dragons of Conquest, the second largest after the Ballerina. Merakses fought in the conquest of the Stormy Lands. She and her mistress died in Dorne, having received an iron bolt in the eye. In the future , you can mix


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    33.52%(301 / 898) have this trait!

  • AttributeValue
  • name Merakses
  • img QmeD9qcojt6wLavLqphCL968B6BxJPCaMwhmk53BqobYLD
  • description One of the three dragons of Conquest, the second largest after the Ballerina. Merakses fought in the conquest of the Stormy Lands. She and her mistress died in Dorne, having received an iron bolt in the eye. In the future , you can mix
  • rarity Uncommon
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