Honorary Member Pass


Owner ab2cu.wam

  • Asset ID1099793590566
  • Collection


  • Ownerab2cu.wam
  • Schema namepass
  • Template ID513093
  • Is burnable
  • Is transferable
  • Mint500 of 500
  • Max. supply500
  • Burned430
  • Circulating supply70
  • Backed tokensNone

Being the holder of these NFT badges (Honorary Member Pass) will give the user the following facilities: 1-Early Access to Sales 2-Unlimited access to Unique Events 3-Earnings of 1% of the Secondary Market divided by the number of passes activated for re-collection. ! Scan the QR for more information !

  • AttributeValue
  • name Honorary Member Pass
  • img QmbEy4E8GKQNGrc2vDcgjMCnaPUMhVnvvt4nenbtcsh3up
  • description Being the holder of these NFT badges (Honorary Member Pass) will give the user the following facilities: 1-Early Access to Sales 2-Unlimited access to Unique Events 3-Earnings of 1% of the Secondary Market divided by the number of passes activated for re-collection. ! Scan the QR for more information !

NFT offers

  • BuyerOffer price
    Placed on

Template offers

  • BuyerOffer price
    Placed on

Price history

Price history in WAX

No price history available