Crezy Bored ape


Owner e.q.2.c.wam


  • rarity


    4.91%(14 / 285) have this trait!

  • AttributeValue
  • name Crezy Bored ape
  • img QmUAkT89xGMHMobfS8W4gsDaKQdM1WB7Qa9oRdYdCFKop5
  • id 1
  • rarity Uncommon
  • info This illustrations represent all of me, what I've been going through my entire life and its been great to share my art to the public but now that I have the chance to create my own NFT's collection and the opportunity to gain something for it it's even greater, even if it doesnt work I just want to share my art because at least one person would relate to the way I represent a normal feeling or a mood. telegram follow @artworldnft

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