5 x Box Maze World Coins



  • Asset ID1099825794592
  • Collection


  • Owner🔥
  • Schema namecoins
  • Template ID600729
  • Is burnable
  • Is transferable
  • Mint42 of 492
  • Max. supply∞
  • Burned476
  • Circulating supply16
  • Backed tokensNone

Can be unboxed to create 5 x Box Maze World Coins

  • AttributeValue
  • name 5 x Box Maze World Coins
  • img QmXAoQrm5pbc2ap3bNwyBzmkBvnAot7fHB5bjbJAT43Jpg
  • description Can be unboxed to create 5 x Box Maze World Coins
  • blends https://neftyblocks.com/c/boxmazeworld/blends
  • unpack https://neftyblocks.com/c/boxmazeworld/packs

NFT offers

  • BuyerOffer price
    Placed on

Template offers

  • BuyerOffer price
    Placed on

Price history

Price history in WAX

No price history available