BPPacks0x0Vol.4@Lv5 25%/-75%



  • Asset ID1099831936095
  • Collection


  • Owner🔥
  • Schema namepackage
  • Template ID82910
  • Is burnable
  • Is transferable
  • Mint259 of 288
  • Max. supply∞
  • Burned89
  • Circulating supply199
  • Backed tokensNone
  • AttributeValue
  • name BPPacks0x0Vol.4@Lv5 25%/-75%
  • img QmUzbDnbzjzZzxnVWrRK8pBjCXrVKAx4GXQdnWpPMXdED6
  • backimg Qmb8HEiqDZ26mZdsUXYidw7ZRme4qGbfwXsfQRoU94CVcX
  • collecton BoboPixel0x0
  • category BurningNumbers
  • level 5
  • quality 0
  • quantity 1
  • cardid BP0x0_206
  • luckynr 206
  • bobovalue 0x64
  • style Original
  • info 1 Roll Total of 4 ODDS bp0x0-5,4,3,2 25% for BP0x0-5/-75 % of BoboValue
  • freedrops [{ 'odds":1, "template_id":65286 },{ 'odds":1, "template_id":65285},{ 'odds":1, "template_id":65260 },{ 'odds":1, "template_id":65271 },]
  • creator BoboCoin
  • date 03/29/2021
  • support cn1qw.wam

NFT offers

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    Placed on

Template offers

  • BuyerOffer price
    Placed on

Price history

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