Ravens Halloween NFT #1 - RRRR


Owner market.nefty

This is one of Ravens special Halloween NFTs. There are 81 different versions of this NFT. You won a hidden prize by pulling this special combination out of the pack! Congrats! Please let us know about this in our Discord (https://discord.gg/Gw33rwqd5V) so we can send you your prize. The NFTs were drawn by an incredible artist called “Stella Petrakopoulou”. Please look at her mindblowing art and show her some love by giving a follow on her Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/stella___illustrations/

  • AttributeValue
  • name Ravens Halloween NFT #1 - RRRR
  • img QmaQy7zkzZbThn88G1DBQG8RWaYqMFsnzkjheqxyhaihVK
  • Description This is one of Ravens special Halloween NFTs. There are 81 different versions of this NFT. You won a hidden prize by pulling this special combination out of the pack! Congrats! Please let us know about this in our Discord (https://discord.gg/Gw33rwqd5V) so we can send you your prize. The NFTs were drawn by an incredible artist called “Stella Petrakopoulou”. Please look at her mindblowing art and show her some love by giving a follow on her Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/stella___illustrations/
  • Number within the collection 1
  • Year 2022

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