Grateful Minute


Owner obshm.wam

  • Asset ID1099835539512
  • Collection


  • Ownerobshm.wam
  • Schema nameseries
  • Template ID620552
  • Is burnable
  • Is transferable
  • Mint13 of 34
  • Max. supply400
  • Burned11
  • Circulating supply23
  • Backed tokensNone

The tree lighting ceremony was on the television. The party was brimming with chatter about the administration and welfare. It was a rough year for red blue and white. Minute passed me by while everybody was milling around the egg nog and peppermint chocolates in the kitchen. She put her hand on my shoulder as I looked over at the scene: peace and people being merry. A world apart from the streets that October. "I'd heard you have some paid leave coming. You ought to join us, the family." She smiled, carrying on with a few minor chores. "We'd all love to have you, and Lord knows, you may find some quiet after all." She'd meant well, but the only peace I seemed to find was another wall to wall week of cases. The big arson on Bredshire was calling to me. Then she stops me in the hallway as I'm putting on my coat. Pulling me in close, she looked me in the eyes and said, "I'm grateful for all you do, a real hero."


  • rarity


    18.26%(1,166 / 6,386) have this trait!

  • series


    2.44%(156 / 6,386) have this trait!

  • work id


    0.8%(51 / 6,386) have this trait!

  • AttributeValue
  • name Grateful Minute
  • img QmQ7qAHqKPTx2VjDzc3Yn2MVgqjSHNCeUELR5L3ZYp9bTb
  • series Seasonal
  • work id 7
  • description The tree lighting ceremony was on the television. The party was brimming with chatter about the administration and welfare. It was a rough year for red blue and white. Minute passed me by while everybody was milling around the egg nog and peppermint chocolates in the kitchen. She put her hand on my shoulder as I looked over at the scene: peace and people being merry. A world apart from the streets that October. "I'd heard you have some paid leave coming. You ought to join us, the family." She smiled, carrying on with a few minor chores. "We'd all love to have you, and Lord knows, you may find some quiet after all." She'd meant well, but the only peace I seemed to find was another wall to wall week of cases. The big arson on Bredshire was calling to me. Then she stops me in the hallway as I'm putting on my coat. Pulling me in close, she looked me in the eyes and said, "I'm grateful for all you do, a real hero."
  • rarity Uncommon

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    Placed on

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