Contained Slime - Specimen #02


Owner vu1vu.wam

Mr. Dna's cloning apparatus is on the fritz again ! upon further inspection, it appears the main DNA capacitor is gunked up with foriegn material. After removal, the mysterious material has begun to show signs of life ! A total of 100 unique slime samples have been contained and catalogued, and are now up for grabs !

  • AttributeValue
  • name Contained Slime - Specimen #02
  • img QmXJ2SyZVRvNLN5ahraTb4CxZ9NH7PhQ7wJ1cRe11NyKLy
  • backimg QmTtn8yZEvotBvVru6LDBhP7kLGBHLLeAoMFkAiHdtzEje
  • description Mr. Dna's cloning apparatus is on the fritz again ! upon further inspection, it appears the main DNA capacitor is gunked up with foriegn material. After removal, the mysterious material has begun to show signs of life ! A total of 100 unique slime samples have been contained and catalogued, and are now up for grabs !

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