Mythic Chicken ♂ | Class 3


Owner dcycmissions

A highly placed mage in the court of the Chickens Republic, Abraxas lives a troubled existence. Sworn by birth to protect whoever sits within the Nest of EGG, he hates the current Chicken queen with all his soul. As a youth, high-born, he was a friend and companion to the eldest Chicken princess, Telracs, first in line for the Nest. He had loved her warmly and unshakably, but as his studies took hold, his mind turned to arcane learning and the mastery of fowl sorcery.


  • class


    7.68%(1,865 / 24,275) have this trait!

  • rarity


    8.37%(2,033 / 24,275) have this trait!

  • type


    57.61%(13,986 / 24,275) have this trait!

  • AttributeValue
  • name Mythic Chicken ♂ | Class 3
  • img QmPcpT2axKRkdsoei72SJ2P69MA8G2fRSbnEdWeRRkn1fE
  • description A highly placed mage in the court of the Chickens Republic, Abraxas lives a troubled existence. Sworn by birth to protect whoever sits within the Nest of EGG, he hates the current Chicken queen with all his soul. As a youth, high-born, he was a friend and companion to the eldest Chicken princess, Telracs, first in line for the Nest. He had loved her warmly and unshakably, but as his studies took hold, his mind turned to arcane learning and the mastery of fowl sorcery.
  • level 169
  • upgrade_available_at 0
  • weight 8
  • rarity Mythic
  • class 3
  • type Standard
  • durability 0
  • mining_power 0.0018898425

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