Garage Level Four


Owner mohamedayyou

20.2 WAX

  • Asset ID1099843054778
  • Collection


  • Ownermohamedayyou
  • Schema namefactories
  • Template ID545787
  • Is burnable
  • Is transferable
  • Mint30 of 33
  • Max. supply∞
  • Burned5
  • Circulating supply28
  • Backed tokensNone

The garage is needed for the repair and deployment of harvesters


  • rarity

    Level 4

    6.77%(389 / 5,742) have this trait!


NFT offers

  • BuyerOffer price
    Placed on

Template offers

  • BuyerOffer price
    Placed on

Price history

Price history in WAX

No price history available