Mysterious Chest



  • Asset ID1099874342008
  • Collection


  • Owner🔥
  • Schema nameloot
  • Template ID435141
  • Is burnable
  • Is transferable
  • Mint85,738 of 169,676
  • Max. supply∞
  • Burned138,758
  • Circulating supply30,918
  • Backed tokensNone

A chest containing loot! Imagine what could be inside...

  • AttributeValue
  • name Mysterious Chest
  • img QmWPKjTp1fPxa8sZpWkgXQtEgJPE87EogS8qeiDJ1wAqP8
  • artwork QmQSaQaUgcadBW5TCCJzx8SdtoDcn2nbcSggH7X8zh68Do
  • rarity Rare
  • type Quest Loot
  • description A chest containing loot! Imagine what could be inside...
  • artist Smil

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    Placed on

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Price history

Price history in WAX

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