Admiral Garry, lead by greediness and jealousy, decided it was he himself that would take down Mr. Squid and the CrewToons and stealing their beloved booty & treasures. together with his army of bots he set sail to find and steal all the loot in the Metaverse! All hail the Admiral Garry, the most feared Space Pirate in the metaverse!
Admiral Garry
#1- Asset ID1099931444222
- Collection
- Owner3fijo.wam
- Schema namestickers
- Template ID791813
- Is burnable
- Is transferable
- Mint1 of 72
- Max. supply101
- Burned0
- Circulating supply72
- Backed tokensNone
Admiral Garry
1.49%(72 / 4,838) have this trait!
- AttributeValue
- name Admiral Garry
- img QmVDViUfMFb8R3zxY5HgLBAr8Z33zX6wGsF5diQfSnGTNs
- description Admiral Garry, lead by greediness and jealousy, decided it was he himself that would take down Mr. Squid and the CrewToons and stealing their beloved booty & treasures. together with his army of bots he set sail to find and steal all the loot in the Metaverse! All hail the Admiral Garry, the most feared Space Pirate in the metaverse!
- character Admiral Garry
NFT offers
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Template offers
- BuyerOffer price Placed on