Percy the Panicked Platypus #3



  • Asset ID1099941869483
  • Collection


  • Owner🔥
  • Schema nameuncut.assets
  • Template ID829360
  • Is burnable
  • Is transferable
  • Mint4 of 5
  • Max. supply5
  • Burned1
  • Circulating supply4
  • Backed tokensNone

Percy the Panicked Platypus is always in a hurry, darting through the forest with wide, startled eyes and flailing webbed feet. Whether he's avoiding falling branches or weaving between startled birds, Percy's frantic energy and comical expressions make his every journey an amusing spectacle. Despite his constant rush, there's a lovable charm in his chaos, making Percy the embodiment of both determination and delightful panic.

  • AttributeValue
  • name Percy the Panicked Platypus #3
  • img QmVK8G7YYewQguoyUkYhaw68TdHyu6r9h1HrEN2z97aBM6
  • description Percy the Panicked Platypus is always in a hurry, darting through the forest with wide, startled eyes and flailing webbed feet. Whether he's avoiding falling branches or weaving between startled birds, Percy's frantic energy and comical expressions make his every journey an amusing spectacle. Despite his constant rush, there's a lovable charm in his chaos, making Percy the embodiment of both determination and delightful panic.
  • url
  • socials {"twitter":"","instagram":"","website":""}
  • scarcity legendary
  • creator_info {"name":"amf101fma cReAtIoN*s","wallet":"ab2cu.wam"}
  • perks 🎙 Art inspired by UNCUTS 🦄 Daily Inspiration Challenge!

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