Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop

Possible mint: #194 / 200

Sold out

We're being chased! | PROMO #3


Available / Max supply 0 / 150

Sold 150

PROMO #3 of Adam’s Journey project!

How to pick up a drop:

If you collect all three promo cards during this week, you can exchange them for a sketch pack! Where is ADJPASS! And also the sketches of our project.

When you open sketch packs, you are guaranteed to get 5 NFTs

| Sketch - 99% | Pass Card - 1% |

This promotion is used as a pre-opening test for premium packs.
Be sure to ask questions if any, we will try to answer them!

For full project details and whitepaper visit WEBSITE