
Empty Crypto Pizza Elephants Hut


2.5 WAX

Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞

Sold 16

This is the beginning of the rypto Pizza Elephants Hut Blend!
Find all 10 Crypto Pizza Elephants and blend them all into the Empty Crypto Pizza Elephants Hut to receive a [Full Crypto Pizza Elephants Hut](!

The first 10 collectors to collect and blend all 10 Crypto Pizza Elephants into [Full Crypto Pizza Elephants Hut](! will earn a spot in a very limited WAX farm!!!

Find Crypto Pizza Elephants in the Crypto Pizza Elephants 2 Pack or simply by blending LeftHouse NFTs in the Crypto Pizza Elephants Burn & Earn Pool!!! Game on!!!

Look for the 1 of 1 Pizza On Us Crypto Pizza Elephant and win a free pizza on LeftHouse!!!
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