Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop

Possible mint: #801 / ∞


Premium Pack


499 WAX

Available / Max supply 13 / 800

Sold 787

👑The sale is only available to Premium Pass holders.

On January 12 at 12:00 UTC a snapshot will be taken of all Premium Pass holders and you will have access to private sale. One account is guaranteed to be able to buy 1 Premium Pack.

Premium pack, contains 5 NFTs:
1 NFT - 100% epic
1 NFT - 100% rare
1 NFT - 100% rare
1 NFT - 89% common 10% rare 1% epic
1 NFT - 89% common 10% rare 1% epic

If you have any questions, welcome to the discord community

Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop

Possible mint: #4001 / ∞


Starter Pack


149 WAX

Available / Max supply 34 / 1600

Sold 1566

👑The sale is only available to Premium Pass holders.

On January 12 at 12:00 UTC a snapshot will be taken of all Premium Pass holders and you will have access to private sale. One account is guaranteed to be able to buy 2 Starter Packs.

Starter pack, contains 2 NFTs:
1 NFT - 89% common 10% rare 1% epic
1 NFT - 89% common 10% rare 1% epic

If you have any questions, welcome to the discord community