Earn yor Uplift DAO Ambassador Badge
4,237.29 WAX
Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞
Sold 28
Possible mint: #30 / ∞
4,237.29 WAX
Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞
Sold 28
Dear Uplift family,
we spent the last months developing the exciting vision for the future of the Uplift Metaverse.
Now the time has come for the team to buy out the Uplift from its mother company and put it into the hands of the community members.
The funding needed is substantial , but the original team should be able to buy out the Uplift out of its own pockets.
However, here's here's what we need help with:
**We need to secure the runway for the transition into the DAO. **
Our first initiative is to present these supporter NFTs, with funding going directly to support the new DAO.
Please take note that these NFT badges aim to show proof of your support to the community, but serve no other planned purpose, be it in the game or otherwise.
If you want to donate directly you can use the wesaveuplift wallet to do so. We will be transparent with uses of these funds.
Learn more at: https://theuplift.world/dao-support/