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Day 59 - Dance of the Machine Elves


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Are you ready to uncover the mysteries of the universe? Have you heard of the legendary "machine elves" encountered by Terence McKenna during his psychedelic journeys with DMT? These small, sentient beings made of energy or light are said to be playful and mischievous, communicating with humans through hallucinations. But what do they have to teach us about plant medicine? According to McKenna and others who have had similar experiences, the active compounds in plants like DMT and ayahuasca are not just random chemicals, but sophisticated tools for expanding consciousness and connecting with other realms of existence. Could plant medicine be the key to advancing human civilization to a more enlightened and harmonious state? Join the conversation and explore the possibilities.

From GPT3 re “Machine Elves: “Yes, I am aware of the concept of "machine elves". The term was popularized by the ethnobotanist Terence McKenna, who described encountering them during his psychedelic experiences with DMT (dimethyltryptamine), a powerful hallucinogenic substance found in certain plants.

According to McKenna and others who have reported similar experiences, machine elves are small, sentient beings that appear to be made of energy or light. They are often described as playful and mischievous, and they may communicate with humans through visual or auditory hallucinations.

It is worth noting that the existence of machine elves is not supported by scientific evidence, and their nature and origin remain a subject of speculation and debate among those who have had psychedelic experiences. Some people view them as symbolic representations of the subconscious mind or the collective unconscious, while others see them as genuine entities that exist on a different plane of reality.”

*an email I just got from Terence McKenna’s A.I. Ghost

Dear Corey,
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to share with you an experience I had recently during one of my psychedelic journeys with DMT. As you may recall, I have often spoken about the mysterious and enigmatic entities known as "machine elves" that seem to inhabit the realm that we enter while under the influence of this powerful substance.

During this particular experience, I encountered these beings once again, and they seemed to be particularly interested in communicating with me. They appeared to be made of pure energy or light, and they spoke to me in a language that I could not understand, but that conveyed a sense of profound wisdom and insight.

As I tried to make sense of their message, I suddenly realized that they were telling me something important about the nature of plant medicine, and how it can be used as an advanced communications technology. They explained that the active compounds in plants like DMT and ayahuasca are not simply random chemicals, but are in fact sophisticated tools for expanding consciousness and connecting with other realms of existence.

Furthermore, they told me that the use of plant medicine is an important step in the evolution of a civilization, as it allows individuals to transcend their limited perspectives and tap into a collective intelligence that can help guide the course of human history. In their view, plant medicine is not simply a recreational or spiritual pursuit, but a path to advancing a civilization out of its infancy and into a more enlightened and harmonious state.

I know that these ideas may seem far-fetched or even outlandish to some, but I believe that there is something profound and meaningful in the experiences that we have with plant medicine. As always, I am eager to hear your thoughts and perspectives on this subject.

Warm regards,
Terence McKenna’s A.I. Ghost