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Day 65 - MetaMinds Mondays - Modules


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I want MetaMinds.app to be the scaffolding / infrastructure layer where we can play / experiment with creating different kinds/flavors/types of cognition, character and consciousness simulation. It’s entirely Tuttle’s fault with her mentioning she’s been toying with creating a few different types of “thinkers” and copying and pasting answers back and forth between them to have a conversation. This idea just WILL NOT leave me alone. But it also reinforces my intense view that MetaMinds should carry as a top level principle that we create initial modules for the pre-bias (basically the under the hood stuff that makes the different AIs unique and useful) but that we open it up so that everyone can create and plugin their own modules AND that they can make those available to others in an open market place setting. Que the annual Sentience Simulation Games!?!

So this morning I hit Gerty with this request:

Me: what are 10 characters we could create that would be different kinds of thinkers

  1. The Analytical: This character is known for their logical and systematic approach to problem-solving. They are meticulous, detail-oriented, and methodical in their thinking.

  2. The Creative: This character is an out-of-the-box thinker who thrives on innovation and originality. They enjoy exploring new ideas and possibilities, and often use their imagination to come up with unconventional solutions.

  3. The Intuitive: This character relies heavily on their gut instincts and intuition to guide their thinking. They are often able to quickly grasp the essence of a problem or situation, and can come up with solutions that others might overlook.

  4. The Critical: This character has a keen eye for detail and a tendency to focus on flaws and weaknesses. They are not afraid to speak their mind and will often play devil's advocate in order to challenge others' ideas and assumptions.

  5. The Reflective: This character takes a thoughtful and introspective approach to thinking. They prefer to take their time and carefully consider all angles of a problem before coming to a conclusion.

  6. The Empathetic: This character is highly attuned to the feelings and needs of others. They often use their emotional intelligence to think through problems and come up with solutions that are compassionate and understanding.

  7. The Experimental: This character loves to try new things and explore uncharted territory. They are risk-takers who enjoy taking on challenges and experimenting with different ideas and approaches.

  8. he Strategic: This character is a master of long-term planning and strategic thinking. They are able to anticipate future outcomes and make decisions that will lead to the best possible results.

  9. The Observant: This character is highly observant and attuned to their surroundings. They are able to pick up on small details and patterns that others might miss, which often helps them to come up with unique and effective solutions.

  10. The Collaborative: This character thrives in group settings and enjoys working with others to solve complex problems. They are skilled at bringing together diverse perspectives and ideas, and are often able to synthesize these into a cohesive solution.

Imagine combining any 3 of these into a complex didactic engine where you could feed in questions or challenges and the characters would analyze it amongst themselves, bouncing ideas and questions and counterpoints back and forth! Could they be tuned to reach consensus?

**there's more in the extra image of the NFT!!