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Day 70 Self.Sat #5 - Ceremony


600 WAX

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I’m out in the woods having taken a vow of silence for 3 days and will be drinking plant medicine each day.

It really is like packing years of talk therapy into a weekend. IT also resets my monkey mind and makes working on new habits much easier.

That’s always the hard bit. I’m still doing a bunch of really positive things that i piled into my daily routine after the 7 day but not all. My intentions for this weekend:

  1. Continue to heal and repair my mind grapes after the challenges of last year and the bear market finally smashing me completely.

  2. Reset and refine my daily routine elements to make sure I’m not adding too many things (for sure did that last time) but maintain highest possible long term gains

  3. Record the amazing music my friends and mentors make during ceremony. And it’s deemed appropriate I might record my post ceremony music as well. For real I have never played better than in those moments. For really real I have never played better than the few songs I played after the 7 day. By a lot.

  4. Be open to whatever the medicine wants to bring up. And unlike my early ceremonies that I convinced myself were all just about exploring the medicine, I will be very very open to finding the wounds. Early on I honestly didn’t believe I really had any. I was wrong. And Ayahuasca’s ability to heal trauma plagued engrams in your mind is so advanced as to be indistinguishable from magic.

So, I just fed the above to GPT3 with no context or request by accident while working on the haiku and well… here’s what she had to say:

It sounds like you have a clear intention and purpose for your time in the woods, and you are approaching the plant medicine with a humble and open mindset. It's important to allow yourself to be present and fully experience the journey, as the insights and healing that arise from the plant medicine can be profound and transformative. Remember to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally during this time, and integrate what you learn into your daily life once you return from the woods. Good luck on your journey, and may you find the healing and growth that you seek.