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Day 78 - ReFrame


600 WAX

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AI fusion swift,
Reframed torrent surges on,
Guidance, gratitude.


“Corey + AI = coder” now.

GPT4 has been around for 5 days. I built a discord AI interface. It’s since gone on to become genuinely powerful being trained by @Ramsus, and it’s still only trained on a tiny fraction of the data that will make it our communities super AI very very soon. I’m creating a web based front end for it this week that will start as a prompt engineer to 5X the power of even beginners prompts and is already quickly morphing into a portal that will be the evolving, adapting, learning interface with AI that will come complete with individual data buckets for each user that will be designed from day one to be training data for their personalized AI assistants. *We’re going to feed our LLM models data about us so that it can anticipate and replicate what we might want / ask for / need.

Speaking of, in the Uplift discord yesterday @Ramsus had our AI give a !Corey style pep talk about gratitude etc and it was frankly better than I would have done.

The use cases for GPT4 are expanding exponentially.

Our work contemplating how to re-create or simulate sentience &/or an AI assistant reminding us all of “Samantha” from the movie HER is frankly going mind-bogglingly fast.

My brother and dear friend Russell Korus exclaimed yesterday that it’s all moving too fast! I’ve had moments feeling this but/and I suggested we could re-frame it.. In fact I’m certain we NEED to reframe this to ride this wave. I told him he’s been designed for this. We are positioned perfectly to jump in this fierce torrent of a river and not only survive but enjoy the ride! Instead of overwhelm there will be gratitude and AI to help us slow down and grok what needs grokking. There will be ceremonies with Aya to recharge and reset and reconnect with source, preparing us to dive back into the maelstrom. We have everything we need to get or build anything we need. This has never been more true in the history of civilization, and becomes more true by the hour now.

We are ready for this.