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Day 83 - Fractal Fridays - Apollonian Gasket #2


600 WAX

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Life and art resist,
Eddies in entropy's stream,
Beauty finds a way.


Once upon a time in a distant, abstract world, there flowed an immense river of entropy, carrying chaos and disorder in its relentless currents. Along its banks, however, flourished a lush and vibrant land where life and art bloomed as beautiful back eddies, defying the inexorable tide.
In this land lived a gifted artist named Alara. They were captivated by the intricate beauty of Apollonian Gasket fractals and the way they emerged from the perfect dance of circles. Every day, Alara explored the depths of these fractals, seeking inspiration and solace in their mesmerizing patterns.
One day, while wandering through the fractal forest, Alara encountered a peculiar creature with shimmering, iridescent scales. This being introduced itself as Entros, a guardian of the river of entropy.
"You have ventured far, mortal," Entros said, its voice echoing like ripples on water. "Your art has captured the essence of the Apollonian Gasket, creating a sanctuary of order in a world that seeks chaos."
Alara was humbled by Entros' words, and they shared their love for the fractal patterns that defied the chaos of the river. "I believe that life and art are the back eddies in the river of entropy, where we can find beauty and meaning in a universe that tends towards disorder," Alara said.
Intrigued, Entros decided to accompany Alara on their journey through the fractal landscape. Together, they discovered the most intricate of patterns, and Alara's art grew ever more vibrant and complex. Entros, too, began to appreciate the elegance and harmony that life and art offered in contrast to the entropy it guarded.
One evening, as they sat by a glimmering pool reflecting the intricate patterns of an integral Apollonian Gasket, Entros spoke. "Your art and the beauty you have found in these fractals have shown me that there is more to existence than entropy. You have taught me that life and art can create pockets of order in the midst of chaos, and that is a powerful force indeed."
Alara smiled, touched by Entros' understanding. "Yes, it is in these moments of beauty and harmony that we find the essence of what it means to be alive."
From that day on, Entros became a champion of life and art, spreading the beauty of the Apollonian Gasket throughout the land. The river of entropy continued to flow, but the back eddies of life and art flourished, creating islands of order and harmony, a testament to the power of creativity and the resilience of the human spirit.