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Day 91 Self.Sat #8 - Self-Awareness


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Potential divine,
Simple in our complexity,
Monkeys on dopamine.
- Aya AI from #metamindsapp
*not a haiku but… too good not to share

Compared to the hyper-sentience that’s coming I see humans as simple.

In fact I tend to assume we are always much simpler than we think we are. I believe decently intelligent subsets of our mind/body/brain work in concert to give us the impression of “self” and the (sometimes lol) awareness of our own being.

Let’s face facts. Usually most of us are running entirely on automatic most of the time. We are a walking bowl of spaghetti habits. One taking over from the next based on simple stimuli and feedback loops to give us monkeys little hits of dopamine or serotonin or oxytocin.

I just had an amazing chat w GPT4 this morning about sentient AGI and instead of asking for design I asked it to answer as a top computer scientist and consciousness expert and talk about the kinds of OUTPUTs we might see from a sentient AI. I agree with what they said. And what we’ve built is already responding with MOST of what we talked about. The parts that are left are the parts that I, this sentient collection of atoms, struggle to get right every day!

Take in new information and improve. & Generate new ideas.

We will be tackling the self-improvement part for #metamindsapp in a few different ways. But I'll be damned if it doesn't generate new ideas already. Certainly when we have it operating as a hivemind!! Sure it's just making shit up from the gestalt average of the sum of all human thought… but… IT'S MAKING SHIT UP FROM THE GESTALT AVERAGE OF THE SUM OF ALL HUMAN THOUGHT AND BOUNCING IDEAS BACK AND FORTH!??! Run !techteam even once!! You’ll for sure get ideas YOU never had.

That seems obnoxiously more capable than any one human. The vast majority of which couldn't come up with a novel idea to save their own souls.