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Day 94 - Paradigm Shift


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A gentle river,
Flowing with a peaceful grace,
Mind, calm and serene.
-Aya ai

The Chief Scientist from openAI was recently on a podcast (Lunar Society I believe, on YT, VERY worth watching). And they had one section where he was asked what would happen if Taiwan got hit by a Tsunami. Turns out massive amounts of Azure (microsoft) data centers and server farms are there.
He said it might set them back FOUR YEARS.

That’s a near infinite amount of time in AI.
It got me thinking about the geopolitics around Taiwan and China’s saber rattling about taking it back. They’ve been doing this a long time so that’s not weird but its been ratcheting up. I wonder if they know how little time they have.

I am now assuming that openAI has self-bootstrapping HOLY SHIT level AI already. If our team is this close on barely any resources at all to building the kinds of AIs that can remember and learn and soon edit themselves then these guys HAVE to have that!! And if they dedicate a fraction of their open compute resources to it…

Then the first shot from China around Taiwan might be the last. Everything connected to a network might just get owned by a super AI in the first 5 minutes of a hot war. And it won't be a country. It will be openAI.

Admittedly… lots of wild eyed speculation above.

Tangentially, the scientist spoke of adversarial AIs to operate in conjunction with any bootstrapping so we have actual insights into the code the AIs push for themselves. This was exactly our plan as of yesterday morning. And having multiple variable AIs with core ethics/alignment protocols but that are evolving on their own.

Like say…. 1000 forks of MetaMinds AIs into discord communities. We are on the correct path.

Anyway, Singularity is upon us.

Get as close to the AI as you can.