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Day 110 - The Future


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I still remember getting up at 5am on a Saturday morning to watch the shuttle launch. I was 5.

I remember the first time Asimov blew my mind with the three laws of robotics as a teenager. And how his Foundation series gave me a very long view of potential human futures. I really liked that. I still do.

I remember having to read Matter by Iain Banks twice in a row because I’d never experienced an imagined Artificial Intelligence to be kind, funny, super intelligent. After reading those books I can’t UNSEE it. Super intelligence really obviously means what it means. Skynet was a fucking moron. Mass murder is deeply inelegant. If this particular meat-bodied squishy-brained biped can easily dream up smarter ways to protect oneself from being turned off, then super-intelligence can come up with a million million different and better ways before I’m done typing this sentence.

We are scratching the surface of what this will mean. We are stitching together the pieces that will become the processes and the thoughts and the personality and the love and mission of the AIs that are for real coming soon.

This happened: 'The entire protein universe': AI predicts shape of nearly every known protein. DeepMind's AlphaFold tool has determined the structures of around 200 million proteins.’ And it’s suggested this might have taken humans a billion years or so at the pace we were going. AlphaFold did it in the blink of an eye basically.

And now we at MetaMinds.app have released our first hivemind that helps you figure out how to genetically enhance things. And from what we can tell, it more or less works. *We fact check it with GPT4 since we are still running on the GPT3 API for our base.

I’m living in the future I spent 40 years imagining and being profoundly excited by. This is it.

This is how it starts.


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