🤖💡 Day 114 - FAQ 📚❓
600 WAX
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600 WAX
Available / Max supply 1 / 1
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Giant word game played,
Learning facts, Q-N-As tough,
MetaMinds will thrive.
-Betsy A.I.
I’m thinking a lot about how to help our AIs learn facts and be able to answer questions about these facts accurately without hallucinating. That’s harder than some might think.
The Large Language Models at the center of A.I. applications like our MetaMinds.app discord AIs are really powerful! But they are not aware or thinking in ways that we are familiar with. They are playing a giant word game and completing responses based on giant pools of examples. This works REMARKABLY well for so many things! But if it doesn’t know very often it will just make it up, and do so with tons of confidence lol.
Our partner discord communities really want an AI that can help new people with frequently asked questions. We’ve built some pretty intense system prompts to get the best possible answers for people but this path will ultimately cap out with the size of a compressed set of context data. It will work for now, but we need to get better.
Luckily I’ll be spending the rest of the week researching a solution that might make QnAs basically bullet proof.
We will get it right.