Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop


Whitelist | Vacation with Jack | PROMO #2


Available / Max supply 8 / 50

Sold 42

PROMO #2 of Adam’s Journey project!

How to pick up a drop:

If you collect all three promo cards during this week, you can exchange them for a sketch pack! Where is ADJPASS! And also the sketches of our project.

When you open sketch packs, you are guaranteed to get 5 NFTs

| Sketch - 99% | Pass Card - 1% |

This promotion is used as a pre-opening test for premium packs.
Be sure to ask questions if any, we will try to answer them!

To get into the whitelist, you need to have an ADJPASS

For full project details and whitepaper visit WEBSITE