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Eternal Legacy


55 WAX

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Ends after 389d 7h 38m 26s

According to Mexican legend, a long time ago there lived a beautiful goddess named Mictecasihuatl, queen of the underworld. She ruled over the realm of the dead with grace. Once Mictecasihuatl fell in love with a living man, but their love was forbidden. Heartbroken, Mictecasihuatl made a pact with the gods. She sacrificed her life to be close to her beloved after death. As a result, she became a calavera, a colorful skull symbolizing the beauty of the intertwining of life and death. In honor of the sacrifice of Mictecasihuatl, every year on the Day of the Dead, the calavera is decorated with flowers, representing the fragility and transience of life. It is believed that the calavera serves as a reminder that death should not be feared, but accepted as an inevitable part of the human experience. Through the calavera, Mexicans honor their ancestors by expressing joy and gratitude for the memories they left behind. It is a symbol of the eternal cycle of life and death, evidence of the rich cultural heritage and beliefs associated with death in the Mexican tradition.

Mari Gato&NoNameAMiGO Collaboration

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