Possible mint: #21 / 40

Aqua$cape Farm Enhancer Memorywax


350 WAX

Available / Max supply 2 / 20

Sold 18

Special Bonus for Aqua$cape Farm telegram
Find 0.2 $AQUA with command /scape!
it works only with lp bonus (stake at least 20 AQUA on AQUA/WAX Alcor LP)

Memorywax schema has utility in Galactic123 game:

  • It gives these bonuses::
    +2 ECR, +0.001 XYTE , +0.001 DUST and +0.001 KCHAT per dig

    max 12 nfts

60% of profits will be added to AQUA/WAX Alcor LP

Stay updated on the project and follow me on twitter and telegram