Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop



Cubix Gold Wealth - 10% of every sale


50 WAX

Available / Max supply 36 / 100

Sold 64

🚀 Official Cubix Gold Wealth Drop Announcement 🌌

:rocket: Embark on an exclusive journey within the realm of Block Art Wave! ✨

Introducing our latest treasure: Cubix Gold Wealth. :sparkles:

:star2: Drop Highlights:

Limited to a total of 150 Cubix Gold Wealth NFTs.
Grab one of the 100 available in this drop!!

Others will be distributed through exciting Discord giveaways and games. 🎁

:moneybag: Competitive Stacking and Christmas Snapshot:

In celebration of the grand reveal of Cubix Gold Wealth, and as a heartfelt thank you to our most engaged community members:
The fortunate 10 who stake the highest number of NFTs on the WaxDAO stacking farm will be rewarded with a Cubix Gold Wealth.
An exclusive bonus, exclusively reserved for our dedicated collectors and enthusiasts!
Snapshot on 24 December 2023 at 00h00 UTC

:gem: Perks of Owning Cubix Gold Wealth:

Unlock direct access to the collection's earnings: 10% of every sale.
Equally distributed among the 150 shares of the pool (total Cubix Gold Wealth), 10% of the Wax sales generated by Block Art Wave will be shared among the holders.
Earnings are seamlessly deposited into your wallet every week. 💸

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Exclusively Whitelisted for Now:

Seize this extraordinary opportunity!
Cubix Gold Wealth is currently exclusively available to those whitelisted for the next 5 days!
Cubix Gold Wealth Price: 50 WAX per coin, with a maximum purchase limit of 1 per day per account.

:lock: How to Participate:

Ensure you're on the whitelist to gain access to this exclusive drop!
Secure your Cubix Gold Wealth now and join the exclusive circle of the privileged.
Embark on this exceptional adventure with us! 🚀✨

🌐 Discord :

Thanks everyone,
Block Art Wave Team