Lucky Lag Charms
42.19 WAX
Available / Max supply 482 / 500
Sold 18
42.19 WAX
Available / Max supply 482 / 500
Sold 18
500 Lucky LAG Charms each backed with a minimum of 100 claimable LAG as detailed below, please be aware that the drop is pre-minted, so you will receive a random mint.
Mint 1 - 100: 10,000 LAG
Mint 101 - 200: 5,000 LAG
Mint 201 - 300: 1,000 LAG
Mint 301 - 400: 500 LAG
Mint 401 - 500: 100 LAG
How to claim your backed LAG
How to deposit LAG into your LagLink Wallet
Send your LAG to the wax wallet named thelagwallet (no memo required)
LAG is used in all LagALot Games
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