50 WAX
Available / Max supply 100 / 100
Sold 0
Possible mint: #40 / 100
50 WAX
Available / Max supply 100 / 100
Sold 0
10% of wufsales goes to burn! limited to 5 per wallet with 48h cooldown
Link to farm : https://waxdao.io/farm/byjurassicfx There you can stake this nft along with my jellieworker NFTs to earn BEANS. Regular Jellyworkers are released thro collabs and blends, not on drops.
my metaverse corner https://framevr.io/jellybeans drop by and explore my gallery there. direct portal to nftopia 4 is found there too!
5% of sales goes to buy back beans to burn. also 5% of purchases made with wuf results in WUF burns from my end.
information about the project is found here https://jellybeansonwax.weebly.com/
Socials and info: https://t.me/crittersbyjurassic . https://discord.gg/CjMMTCDAZJ https://linktr.ee/byjurassicfx