Possible mint: #1 / 10


An froggy day


20 WAX

Available / Max supply 10 / 10

Sold 0

an fun drawing i did with my daughter to teach her how to draw fishes and frogs.

ink/watercolor sketch.

farm wuf with it in : https://waxdao.io/farm/jellybeanwuf

grab an copy of my first book here: https://tinyurl.com/amazon-book-and-ebook

my metaverse corner https://framevr.io/jellybeans drop by and explore my gallery there. direct portal to nftopia 4 is found there too!

information about the project is found here https://jellybeansonwax.weebly.com/

my artist page, dont forget to follow https://thehug.xyz/artists/jellybean/portfolio

Socials and info: https://t.me/crittersbyjurassic . https://discord.gg/CjMMTCDAZJ https://linktr.ee/byjurassicfx