MuensterVision. Pressents: Ian FreshPack : Two
Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞
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Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞
Sold 427
DEAD EYES DEAD EYES DEAD EYES!! Byron the Artist. CAIT Music. & MuensterVision. Pressents: Ian FreshPack : Two. Mannequin ft- Wolfie. Each 2 wax pack contains one of 6 blend elements needed to combine into a full (pre release ) limited mint blend at the end of the month. (Max 100), some are Chorus Cards, others are Verse Cards and together, like some undead brain hungry version of Voltron, when the powers of the HORDE combine with Muenstervision...some sonically sound experience occurs and were all left a little different than before....(there is no before😱 ).. When you blend ALL 6 versions of this ZOMBIE drop you will get a time lapse music visual of teh creation of this amazing art created by the one and only Byron the Artist! Get crackin! .. ****Holders of any one variant of this drop,any one variant each of my previous and concurrent future album pack promo drops, and any one version of each of my full track drops will be automatically whitelisted via a snap shot and awarded a free Muenstervision Presents: Ian. ALBUM pack at drop this Spring/Summer.