Secure Drop

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Max reached

Hospawtal Cats - HoneyCat


15 WAX

Available / Max supply 0 / 94

Sold 94

Gerald got into trouble again - Dr Cat to the rescue!

This pack of Hospawtal Cats contains 1 Cat Sticker.
There are 3 cats to collect in total!

The totals for each NFT are:

  • Gerald (uncommon) - 40/200
  • Doctor Cat (common) - 60/200
  • Nurse Kitty (very common) - 100/200

The whitelist is closed. Please do not ask to be added now.
You needed to have the 'HoneyCat' role in the Cat Stickers Discord server, as well as 2 Cat Stickers NFTs.
See your collection on AtomicHub or on

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=^● ⋏ ●^=