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[12] Candy Box



Available / Max supply 0 / 10

Sold 10

[12] Candy Box

If you have a lot of candy as many of you now have. You cannot just let the candy lie around, you have to put it somewhere. And now you are all thinking, buhuhuu, but where?? In a candy box of course!! Problem solved, the candy will stay fresh for a long period of time in this fancy, abstract candy box. And again, it is Friday (FriJay) after all, a couple of sugar filled candy bits probably wouldn't hurt. But don't get lost in the sugar, or in the cheese :-D. It could easily happen in the Uplift Minecraft metaverse! Just ask Mitzi and Sovoccor, they know what this is all about! And thanks Chris for clarifying the lie/lye problematics :-). Some of you reading this may think, what the heck is this all about? Join the Telegram group mentioned in the attributes of this NFT and I'll tell you.