[14] Namaste
Available / Max supply 6 / 10
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Available / Max supply 6 / 10
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Time for vacation!! I aim to practice mindfulness every now and then during my time off work. I really really need this, to be here and now and don't worry about the future nor dwell in the past. Hopefully the evil bomber birds will leave me alone. The ones with their head dipped in chocolate aren't evil at all actually but I happened to shoot an image of one a while ago. In Sweden they are called 'Laughing gulls', they do sound like they are laughing when they scream. In English the name is 'Black-headed gull'. They have always been one of my favorite gulls. I do like chocolate, that could be the reason perhaps. I intend to look as calm as the meditating lady but without the bird droppings - LOL!. As I already mentioned the SquareWAX series may be more occasional for a while and maybe also come back after the summer as SquareWAX series 2. With high probability there will be at least a number 15 of series one and you never know, vacation maybe was boring so I had to create even more stuff than ever before the series is concluded. Have a blazing summer and vacation!