[17] BUTTERfly
Available / Max supply 6 / 10
Sold 4
Possible mint: #5 / 10
Available / Max supply 6 / 10
Sold 4
Ohh, a little blue butterfly!! I shouted in silence for myself. I didn't want to scare that little buddy away. I tried to sneak the best I could with my Nikon and a macro lens mounted. He or she just sat there with his long galea (mouth parts) and drank nectar for life. I said, hey little butterfly, could you just sit there completely still for a moment so I can get a proper image of you? He turned his left eye in my direction and said ' I don't even like butter! My thang is nectar dude!'. When I heard his squeaky little voice I knew it was a 'he'. And he continued mumbling about who those idiots were that decided the name 'Butterfly'. I was completely in shock myself, standing there having an conversation with a butterfly claiming it was idiocy that butterflies was named butterflies. Right after that he flew away with a deep (although squeaky) sigh. Didn't see him around since.