[24] Stop!
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Available / Max supply 6 / 10
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Was out for a walk by the ocean a while ago and came by this sign, rusty, weathered and cracked. It is a warning sign for not passing beyond a certain point. Long ago they dumped different kind of more or less hazardous matter there. But today the place is a oasis for a multitude of birds. Sometimes rare birds which not belong here at all come by for a visit for a day or two. I've seen it a couple of times and after just a few hours the place is "crowded" by ornithologists with super long binoculars and cameras. They have message groups where they put up like, "Hey I have spotted the rare yadayada-bird at the old dump today". A little while later they pop up like Coltsfoot in springtime. But the sign itself have this guy in one of the corners yelling and holding his hand up and want us to stop. For me signs like this can make my mind spin and searching for deeper meanings. He wants us to stop and not let our lives rush forward without actually living it. Make it a habit to stop a couple of times a day and reflect, let the information your senses provide you with steep for a minute or two. Don´t walk by that Caprifolum (or Azaleas of course :-) ) without noticing the wondrous scent around it. Really feel the warm water running over your skin when showering. Notice the taste of the food you shoveling in. Those things make a big difference. Back to the sign, the photo of the sign have been processed in Photoshop and gotten a more golden touch. Suitable for the thoughts of today.