
United Kingdom #1


0.99 WAX

Available / Max supply 7 / 10

Sold 3

This set is dedicated to world flags.

The 5th flag in the set is the flag of the United Kingdom.

The national flag of the United Kingdom is the Union Jack, also known as the Union Flag. 10 mints - 4.

  1. United Kingdom #1
  2. Russia 10 Mints
  3. Brazil 10 Mints
  4. German Flag #2 10 Mints
  5. German Flag Soccer Ball 25 mints

Mints on this set will be between 1-25.

I plan on doing a lot of countries so if you are waiting for your countries flag just hit me up on twitter, @i_Hustle_For_It, to speed up the process.

Thank You All So Much For The Support.
I greatly appreciate you all.