Cozy Capybara Season 3 - Compass
cozycapybara3 WAX
Available / Max supply 0 / 150
Sold 150
Available / Max supply 0 / 150
Sold 150
This is an actual pack. Yes, I know nothing can barely fit in there...but hear me out!
The compass leads you to 1 of 3 buddies, they agree only to swim with Caesar (the capybara of this season) if they are ALL blended together.
After you get this pack open it here :
You can either get the Dolphin, Turtle or the Seahorses animated in pixel art style! (Well everything but the actual packs has animation, opening them HAS animation, it took a lot of work! Look at it man!!!)
Once you have Caesar, Dolphin, Turtle and the Seahorses blend them all here :
Also, do you like what you see? Have any suggestions? Just love capybaras? Join the discord channel!