Psycho Bees Edition Pack ELITE DEAL
craycraybees41.19 WAX
Available / Max supply 408 / 485
Sold 77
Possible mint: #103 / 485
41.19 WAX
Available / Max supply 408 / 485
Sold 77
Requires Membee-ship coin, dont have one but want one?
Contains 1 Psycho Bee and a 5% chance at a Glitch Part! 3 Possible Animated Bees in this Edition! 8 Bees in total to collect!
4 Commons - %74.2268 (360 max/ 90 each) 1 Rare - %10.3093 (50 max) 1 Epic - %8.2474 (40 max) 1 Legendary - % 7.2165 (35 max) 1 Mythical - Blend Required: Feeding Teddy 1x + Glitch Part 1x (30 max)blend link: