Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop

Possible mint: #959 / 1000

Sold out

Chum Bucket Access Card


60 WAX

Available / Max supply 0 / 225

Sold 225


To claim this drop, please visit our Discord server. The link will be posted in the #drops channel at the time of the drop.

This card grants the holder access to the #chum-bucket channel in the CREEK Drops Discord server, which is a fun and lively community of CREEK/Crypto Moonies fans. Once a user receives the "Engaged" (soon to be '"Active") role within the server, they will also receive access to the #sneaky-drops channel. Note that this card does not come with any guarantees that a user will be able to claim highly competitive drops, but assuming users stay somewhat engaged with the community, they will have another chance at claiming said drops.

To utilize this card, a user must have their account linked to Wax on Discord via Honeycomb. To learn more about Honeycomb, please visit the #get-verified channel within the Discord server.

**Disclaimer: ** Users holding the card will still be subject to all rules within the Discord server, and violating those rules can lead to a kick or ban.