Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop

Max reached

Moonie Punk #015 (2/2)



Available / Max supply 0 / 575

Sold 575

Moonie Punk #015 Drop schedule

July 27th, 2021 - Initial Drop (1/2)

  • 22:00 UTC - 575
    July 27th, 2021 - Pre-minted Sharks
  • 22:30 UTC - 60
    July 28th, 2021 - Initial Drop (1/2)
  • 08:00 UTC - 575
    July 28th, 2021 - Pre-minted Sneaky
  • 15:00 - 16:00 UTC - 150

The initial whitelist will be generated approximately five hours before the first initial drop. A linked Honeycomb account will be required to claim initial drops. Visit the #get-verified channel in our Discord server and follow the steps carefully to set up your wallet.

Drop passes will be issued to qualifying drops, and keyed links will be dropped on Discord in the #sneaky-drops channel once the drop goes live.

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