Max reached

Diamond Mythic Pack


1,922.65 WAX

Available / Max supply 0 / 5

Sold 5

This sale is for Chibi Card carriers only!

Crypto Chibi Mythic Packs are here!

Diamond Mythic Packs contain 3 premium NFTs that will only be at the Holo (/40) level or above!

Mythic 1/1
Dark Star 6/6
Mythic Angels 10/10
Angels 12/12
Evolution 15/15
Aura 20/20
Lightning 25/25
Enlightened 30/30
Holo 40/40

Anyone who opens a pack in the first 7 days will receive an airdropped Crypto Chibi NFT (1 per each pack opened) as a pack opening reward along with the chance to receive Warsken packs as well as other WAX collections.

Unpack on our NeftyBlocks collection page -