
JUJU Dolls Special Pack 2


66.6 WAX

Available / Max supply 185 / 185

Sold 0

JUJU Dolls Special Pack 2 (Valefar)

Is a Duke of Hell. He tempts people to steal and is in charge of a good relationship Among thieves. Valefar is considered a good familiar by his associates "till they are caught in the trap." He commands ten legions of demons. He is represented as a lion with the head of a man, or as a lion with The head of a donkey.

Limited Edition Juju Packs are a Collaboration of Soltan X CyberFrik.

1080*1080 high-resolution animated NFTs, inspired by the religious stories. "Curses" is a fantasy demonic collectibles-art collection That you may find the rarest curses, dark magic, demons, idols, Ancient death-gods, and satanic myths. Hold the collectibles, Blend them and make new things with them.

This NFT art doesn't tend to harm or offend any religion and beliefs.

Characters and stories are based on fiction and non are real!

Packs description:

  • Juju Pack One (Ose): This Collection has 9 diffrent NFTarts. 3 NFTs inside the packs - Rarities: Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythic
  • Juju Pack Two (Valefar): This Collection has 6 diffrent NFTarts. 2 NFTs inside the packs - Rarities: Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary
  • Juju Pack Tree (Agares): This Collection has 6 diffrent NFTarts. 2 NFTs inside the packs - Rarities: Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary
  1. Uncommon 20.55%
  2. Uncommon 20.55%
  3. Rare 15.41%
  4. Rare 15.41%
  5. Epic 10.27%
  6. Epic 10.27%
  7. Epic 5.1387%
  8. Legendary 2.05%
  9. Mythic 0.30%
  • Holders of the rarest NFT from each pack
    will receive an airdrop, 10 days after the sale

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