Szszsz Szmilesz for Blendsz
davidsmorphs2 WAX
Available / Max supply 185 / 200
Sold 15
Ends after 20697d 22h 41m 40s
Possible mint: #149 / 297
Available / Max supply 185 / 200
Sold 15
Ends after 20697d 22h 41m 40s
Szszsz the cute baby green cobra made by davidsmorphs collection, Szitsz szadly until szuddenly szomeone szays he'sz szo cute, szo he szmilesz becausze he lovesz that szomeone alszo. To color him in use a red paint tube and a blue paint tube and a yellow paint tube... from the brsketchart collection... with this blank Szszsz.THEN, depending on which color Szszsz you want... pay for the upgrade with the appropriate Szszsz currency... accquired from the davidsmorphs collection. Brazilian Real will purchase a teal colored Szszsz, Brazilian Cruzeiros will purchase a green Szszsz and Portugueses Escudosz will purchase an olive color Szszsz.