Szszsz Szaysz Happy B-Day Tofu Szlicesz
davidsmorphs10 WAX
Available / Max supply 0 / 10
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Ends after 10469d 19h 52m 8s
10 WAX
Available / Max supply 0 / 10
Sold 10
Ends after 10469d 19h 52m 8s
Szszsz the cute baby green cobra made by davidsmorphs collection, Szaysz happy birthday to hisz pen-pal Tofu, who lovesz to chew on thingsz and dig. Tofu hopes to dig until he findsz a szet of dinoszaur bonesz. He hasn't found them yet but for hisz third birthday he cszelebratesz with a party and a dinoszaur sziszed bone that he doesn't have to share. Szo Szszsz came to the party to watch Tofu chew on it. Szszsz hasz alwaysz been faszinated by the art of chewing, becausze all he hasz been able to do isz swallowing, but for now Tofu hasz agreed to share szome szmaller pieces whith those who want to come cszelebrate at hisz party. Rarity: Legendary